Hello 👋, I’m Patrycja.
Cats, music, and pinball enthusiast.
Design leader & manager, consultant, experienced designer, lecturer, mentor, and speaker.

I'm a dedicated Design Leader with over 20 years of experience in designing products and building teams. I've witnessed the digital revolution through the designer’s eye from the beginning. That gives me quite a lot of context to connect the dots in creative ways. I'm still fascinated by how design challenges, tools, and processes are changing.

My expertise includes the ability to predict trends and creatively navigate technology constraints. I excel in setting and communicating a clear vision, fostering a collaborative work environment, and motivating my team members to deliver high-quality work. I'm skilled at leading through change in high-growth environments and have successfully managed teams of 10+ top-tier design and engineering specialists while also supervising 30+ product designers across remote locations.



Selected talks & panels

Picture this: I used to be super shy and about as skilled at public speaking as a penguin trying to do the salsa. But hey, guess what? I managed to overcome my fears and make it to the point of speaking at Figma Schema 2023 and getting the nomination for the Best Talk of the year in Design System Awards by zero-height. Below some of my talks and panels I participated along the years.

Figma Schema 2022

Best Talk of The Year Winner at Design System Awards 2023 🏆

Ways Conf 2022

UXDX Eastern Europe 2020

UXDX Europe 2020

Design Ways 2021